Understanding the Impacts of China’s Lockdowns on Consumer Behaviour
We’re very excited about the launch of our latest TSI Navigator™ Compass, where we explore the impact of China’s lockdowns on consumer behaviour. Over the past several months, major cities have gone through some pretty harsh lockdowns. While they are coming out the other end now, what’s clear is that consumers are different today than […]
Understanding China’s Silver Economy
We’re very excited about the launch of our latest TSI Navigator™ Compass, where we explore the future of China’s silver economy. China’s ageing population has been a discussion point for nearly a decade. By 2030, those over 65 will account for nearly a quarter of China’s population. This demographic shift is one most brands are just starting […]
The Future of Functional Ingredients
TSI explores what matters most when it comes to functional benefits. We’re very excited about the launch of our latest TSI Navigator™ Compass, where we explore the future of functional ingredients. The global functional food industry has a current market size of nearly US$259 billion. Bolstered by the pandemic, the sector is predicted to grow […]
What Does Sustainability Mean to Chinese Consumers?
Do you know where your stuff comes from? More and more, global consumers are asking themselves where what they buy comes from, how it’s made, and who’s making it. There is a rise in conscious consumption, with many now only purchasing products that are environmentally or ethically sustainable. At TSI, we’ve seen this first-hand in […]
Building Back Better: Sustainability at TSI
When you think about the people on the front lines of building a more sustainable world, you probably imagine eco-warriors attacking whaling ships or hanging banners from polluting factories. But, there are plenty of folks working diligently behind the scenes to build better. They might not be as vocal, but their impact is certainly just […]
Adapting Products for Asia: TSI’s Visual Guide
What’s the number one thing we always tell clients when it comes to selling products in Asia? Adapt, adapt, adapt! You can’t simply copy and paste what you do back home, expecting consumers to clamour for your product. Brands have to adapt the semiotic, visual, and cultural elements of their products to really resonate with […]
Our Predictions for APAC in 2021
What do ethical consumption, home-cooked meals, and a massive sweet tooth have in common? They’re all some of the big consumer behaviour shifts TSI is seeing across APAC. Using our real-time, dynamic intelligence tool, TSI Navigator™, we were able to pinpoint some juicy predictions for 2021. From the resilience of Thai consumers to affordable luxury […]
Chinese Consumers Aren’t Who You Think They Are
Fun fact. The Romans believed the goddess Venus was born as a fully grown woman after Uranus had his genitals chopped off and thrown into the sea. Over time, though, people began to question the validity of the story and replace it with new stories of their own. In much the same way Romans passed […]
What China’s Sexual Revolution Means for All Brands
Let’s talk about sex. Except for chocolate, strawberries, and champagne, you might be wondering why TSI would be tackling this sensitive topic. Along with all the other rapid changes happening across China, today the country is going through a sexual revolution. This sexual revolution is impacting the economy, society, and wellness in profound ways. And, […]
It’s Not Just Sweet and Savoury Anymore
Rich and chocolatey. Spicy and sour. Salty and crunchy. Is your mouth watering? I bet it is because most of us were raised loving these flavour combinations. Today, though, there’s a lot of movement in what consumers consider a delicious snacking flavour combination. This month’s TSI Navigator™ Compass explores what’s happening in the world of […]