Zijun Zhang
Senior Research Executive
Humans are interesting creatures. While they may say one thing, every nuance can point to a deeper meaning behind their words. Laughter, silence, frowns, and gibberish are all critical, but often overlooked, indicators. Miss them and you’re likely to miss the point.
As an analyst at TSI, my role is to ensure clients get the deepest insights possible from consumers across Asia-Pacific. My global experience in human-centred qualitative research helps me in this work.

With a Master’s Degree in Human Geography and Urban Studies from the London School of Economics, I bring a wealth of experience in stakeholder engagement in the non-profit sector. My previous roles include posts with Nottingham Citizens and the British National Trust. I also have particular expertise in qualitative and human-centred approaches to research, enabling me to expertly get to the heart of the insights I gather.

In my free time, I love to get lost exploring Shanghai and putting my geography skills to good use finding my way home.

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