What We Do
At TSI/Hotspex, we pride ourselves on creating winning brand innovations.
We put a relentless focus on creating tangible assets that provide measurable results for our clients. Our end-to-end approach, coupled with a suite of proprietary tools, helps brands reduce the risk of misalignment and important insights falling through the cracks.
Our Asia-based teams in Shanghai, Singapore, and Melbourne offer a range of services across insight, strategy, innovation, and design.

Choice/volumetric modelling
Consumer in-depth interviews
Desk research/store visits
Ethnographies/home visits
Expert in-depth interviews
Focus groups
Brand workshops
Communications optimisation
Consumer segmentation
Lead agency monitoring
Marketing mix strategy
Portfolio optimisation
Pricing analysis
Brand and product naming
Brand concept development
Concept development, validation, and optimisation
Design Thinking workshops
New product development
Sprint ideation
Brand asset design
Brand development
Exhibition design
Packaging design
Visual identity design and adaptation