As the old saying goes, if you don’t know where you’re headed then any road will take you there. The same holds true in positioning a brand for success. Brand positioning is the foundation of any solid brand strategy. Without it, you may win in the short-term. Long-term success, though, will be left to the competition.

But true brand positioning goes beyond just understanding consumers, target segments, and your differentiators. Brands that go the distance also know how to create mental availability with consumers.
We have developed a brand positioning framework that places a special emphasis on saliency and memorability. To achieve this, TSI-Hotspex blends our proprietary Human Motivator Framework with collaborative co-creation brand workshops. These tools help unearth the emotional drivers that enable brands to not only secure purchases but also to develop brand assets that are unique and distinctive.
To find out more, and to see a demo, contact Associate Vice President Evelyn Hussain.